
Fraud Prevention is one seminar you cannot afford to miss. Fraud will affect you in some manner. Prepare for the inevitable. A recent study by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimated that fraud costs the global economy more than $3.5 trillion per year. This same study estimated that normal audits discover only about 11% of fraudulent acts, compared to 19% discovered by accident. This seminar includes seven interactive exercises that allow the participants to apply newly acquired knowledge in a real-time setting. Bring a calculator.


This seminar examines various types of fraud and discusses ways to prevent, detect and investigate these activities.


  • The Fraud Triangle
  • A complete analysis of fraud prevention, detection and investigation
  • Fraud related interviewing techniques
  • The CPA's role as an expert witness
  • Careers in forensic accounting
  • The 13 financial reporting shenanigans
  • Use of financial statement analysis in fraud assessment

Who Will Benefit

Corporate Financial Managers


Category Amount
Auditing 8.00