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Award in the form of a shining star


Outstanding Member and Women to Watch Awards are given to extraordinary members every year at our annual Pride in the Profession luncheon. Our Awards Committee, through their judgment and expertise, selects these amazing members based on their achievements and contributions to the community.

Jessica Locker


Jaleh Gerdemann

Brandyn Jordan

PwC US Consulting LLP
Email: brandynj24@icloud.com

Jarred McMahan

Alvan Romero

Sara Traub

Accountant working at a desk with notebook and calculator

Business & Industry

The Business & Industry Committee ensures that the society continues to be responsive to the needs of members in industry, education, and government. The committee also encourages CPAs in industry to maintain their professional status and membership with the Society.

Samuel Brandt


X-Ray Associates of NM PC
Email: sam.brandt@xraynm.com

David Diller

RBC Wealth Management
Email: david.diller@rbc.com

Joshua Edwards

Mary Alice Walker-Lysak

Armstrong Energy Corporation
Email: mlysak@aecnm.com

Kari Young

Heather Zundel

Presbyterian Healthcare System
Email: HZundel@phs.org

Intern speaking with mentor


Alongside our outstanding members, students are awarded scholarships every year at our Pride in the Profession luncheon. Our Scholarship Committee selects these students based on the students’ dedication to the CPA profession.

Adam Baca


Baca & Howard P.C.
Email: adam@bacacpa.com

Tracy Armijo

UNM – Anderson Schools
Email: tracyarmijo@unm.edu

Leonard-David Chavez

Array Technologies Inc.
Email: chavez629@icloud.com

David Diller

RBC Wealth Management
Email: david.diller@rbc.com

Ashley Padilla

Misty Schuck

Burt & Company, CPAs, LLC
Email: mschuck@burtcpa.com

William D. Scorah

Chamisa Land Company
Email: cleanenergy7@q.com

Deborah Stone

Eastern New Mexico University
Email: debra.stone@enmu.edu

Susan Willis

Susan M. Willis, CPA, PC
Email: smwillis54@comcast.net

Two accountants discussing financing

Finance & Audit

The Finance and Audit Committee works together with the Board of Directors, and Society staff to ensure that the Society remains in good financial standing and maintains good reporting practices.

Elijah Esquivel


Tamara Beall

Laura Beltran-Schmitz

David Lafferty

American Society of Radiologic
Email: dlafferty34@gmail.com

Olivia Lear

Schlenker & Cantwell, P.A. 
Email: olear@cpasch.com

Gwen Mansfield-Vogt

Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Email: gvogt@cricpa.com

Stephanie Melton

Jose Ortiz

Valerie Torrez

ProgressNow New Mexico 
Email: valerie@progressnownm.org 

Phillip Walck

Corrine Zajac-Clarkson

Santa Fe government building

Government Finance Experts Conference Planning

The Government Finance Experts Conference is an annual three-day event with topics focused on governmental accounting and auditing. The Conference Planning Committee works together to decide on topics covered in the conference and plan the details of the conference, from location to speakers.

Laura Beltran-Schmitz

Sarah Brack

Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
Email: sarah.brack@aicpa-cima.com

Kory Hoggan

John Kennedy

Gwen Mansfield-Vogt

Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Email: gvogt@cricpa.com

Emily Oster

Robert M. Santiago

Student of the Leadership Academy attending an online class

Leadership Academy

The Leadership Academy is a special conference for young members to refine their leadership skills and position themselves to become leaders within the profession, community, and Society. The Leadership Academy plans courses that attendees will take as well as determine which members will have the opportunity to attend.

Dean Willingham


Heather Zundel


The Presbyterian Healthcare System
Email: hzundel@phs.org

Ben Balkcom

Balkcom, Pearsall & Parrish CPAs, PA
Email: bbalkcom@balkcom.com 

Christopher Salcido

Beasley, Mitchell & Co LLP
Email: christopher@bmc-cpa.com

Speaker in front of audience at conference

NM Tax Conference Planning

The New Mexico Tax Conference Committee is a special task force of the Society that works to plan and develop the annual tax conference. The New Mexico Tax Conference provides practitioners with information on current developments in federal and state taxation.

Nicholas Hoffman

Jake Meyer

Optima Geo Business Advisors LLC
Email: jake@ogbusinessadvisors.com

Phillip Walck

Card being inserted into a submission box


The NMSCPA Board of Directors is chosen every year by members of the Nominating Committee. This committee works to determine the nominees who will best serve the Society and its members. Nominees are chosen based on their involvement in the Society and their achievements in the profession.

Corrine Zajac-Clarkson


Jamie Fridley

Emily Oster

Lisa Todd

Sara Traub

Daniel Trujillo

Accountant going through a checklist

Peer Review

The NMSCPA Peer Review Committee works with the Peer Review Committee in Colorado as representatives of New Mexico. Committee members oversee the administration, acceptance, and completion of peer reviews for members and non-members.

Barbara Lewis

Ray Roberts

RPC CPAs + Consultants, LLP
Email: rroberts@rpcllp.com

Student carrying textbook and study materials

Student Pipeline

In an effort to increase the number and quality of entrants into the accounting profession, the NMSCPA and the AICPA have joined together through the Student Pipeline Pilot Program. Our Student Pipeline works to encourage and educate students about the CPA profession.

Sarah Marley


CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP
Email: sarah.marley@claconnect.com

Leah Apodaca

CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP
Email: leah.apodaca@claconnect.com

Tracy Armijo

UNM – Anderson Schools
Email: tracyarmijo@unm.edu

Joshua Edwards

Elijah Esquivel

Roger Lilly

CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP
Email: roger.lilly@claconnect.com

Stephen Montoya

Person at desk filling out a tax form


The Tax Committee conducts regular meetings to discuss issues facing New Mexico tax accountants and their clients. Committee members also arrange and participate in liaison meetings with the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department as well as the IRS to discuss regulations and tax law.

James Ortiz


Richard Anklam

NM Tax Research Institute
Email: richard.anklam@nmtri.org

Robert A. DePasquale

Darla G. Dollahon

Darla G. Dollahon, CPA, LLC
Email: dollahon@nmia.com

Carl Harper

Larry Hess

Lawrence H. Hess, CPA
Email: larry@larryhesscpa.com

Nick Hoffman

Jessica Locker

Chiai "Alice" Ma

Jon McCorkell

Jon McCorkell, CPA, Ltd
Email: abqcpa@swcp.com

Mitzy Sequeira

RPC CPAs + Consultants, LLP
Email: msequeira@rpcllp.com

Phillip Walck

Accounting intern at work

Young CPAs

The Young CPAs Committee consists of Society members age 40 and under, including student and associate members. This committee plans events in which students and members can build strong networks within the profession.

Roger Lilly


CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP
Email: roger.lilly@claconnect.com

Yasmeen Abdel Jalil

Axiom CPAs & Business Advisors, LLC
Email: yasmeen.jalil@axiomnm.com

Ben Balkcom

Balkcom & Company CPAs, PA 
Email: bbalkcom@balkcom.com

David Diller

RBC Wealth Management 
Email: david.diller@rbc.com

Elijah Esquivel

Adrian Gutierrez

Caitlin Gutierrez

Brandyn Jordan

PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Email: brandynj24@icloud.com

Felicity Guteirrez

Schlenker & Cantwell, P.A.
Email: fmiller@cpasch.com

Jonathan Rothweiler

Phillip Walck

Speaker in front of audience at conference

Women’s Leadership Summit Planning

The Women’s Leadership Summit Planning Committee is a group of women who work together to plan and develop the annual women’s conference. The Summit provides women of all industries and levels the skills they need to thrive in their careers.

Stephany Flores

Mandy Funchess

Schlenker & Cantwell, P.A.
Email: mfunchess@cpasch.com

Caitlin Gutierrez

Kari Juvera

Enterprise Builders Corporation
Email: kjuvera@ebnm.com

Stephanie Melton

Shelby Nicolaysen

Alyson Noell

Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Email: alyson.noell@cricpa.com 


Emily Oster

City of Santa Fe  
Email: ekoster@santafenm.gov

Misty Schuck

Burt & Company, CPAs, LLC
Email: mschuck@burtcpa.com

Cherly Silcox

Burt & Company, CPAs, LLC
Email: csilcox@burtcpa.com

Emily Wilson

Heather Zundel

The Presbyterian Healthcare System
Email: hzundel@phs.org

group of professionals in a boardroom


Caitlin Gutierrez
